Monday, March 7, 2011

First real blog post!

OK Blogger... Let's do this thing.  I'll admit, I've never been one that's into this whole "Social Media" thing.  I've just never really understood the whole need for a blog and keeping a blog and keeping up to date on other people's blogs.  I really think that it's an unnecessary thing that people choose to do.  What if no one really does like blogs or Twitter or anything of the sort, but they think that everyone else likes it, so they feel like they have to like it or do one to keep up to date with everything... ok now I'm sounding a little like a loony.  But seriously, this is something that I told myself I'd never do.  Now, the only reason I'm doing it is for class credit.

That being said.  I feel like I'm going to fit right in with this whole blog thing.  Yeah, now I'm sounding like a hypocrite, but I think this is the best kind of writing that I do.  A load of BS that I can just continually pump out and think that people are actually reading.  I wish you all could read some of the papers that I turn in for classes, they are written in the same way.  And, to be honest, they usually do work for me.  Usually no worse than a B, and I'm totally ok with that.  A 10-page paper full of BS, when I didn't read the book at all, and I get a B on it?  Thank you!  I'll take it and run.  (Especially when I get a compliment and told that he "hopes to see me writing for SI or ESPN the Mag someday")

Well, just like in my papers, this blog will come to an abrupt ending.  I think I've written enough about nothing, and I think that this is sufficient for my first ever blog post.  Thanks for reading, now it's time to pretend to care about other people's lives and post on their blogs.

- GP

1 comment:

  1. Geoff, I don't blame you. I often find myself saying I'm going to start things and then definitely don't follow through with completing them. For example, like those 30 day photo challenges on Facebook. I think I got like 8 days in to mine and stopped doing it lol. Oh well, hopefully for your grades sake you'll be able to keep up with this one.
