Saturday, April 23, 2011

What to do...

Since it's getting closer and closer to the end of the school year, it's about that time to start planning out my summer and what events I want to go to.  There is always a scramble and every year I'm always trying to figure out what concerts I want to see and which events sound the most exciting.  Living in Columbus, there are always good comedians that come to town, great festivals where you can catch cool stuff, and other things along those lines.

Looking around online, and I stumbled upon the site called UpComing.  UpComing is a site that lists everything that is happening in the city for basically the entire year.  All you have to do is put in what city you are near or what city you want to know about, and it will find everything for you.  You can search music, comedy, sports, festivals, media, politics, other, and even more, or you can ask for it all.  This site will be very helpful later on when I'm trying to figure out which concerts I want to go to this summer.


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