Saturday, April 16, 2011

Steve Kardynal is pretty much awesome

I have spent some time today looking for something to talk about in this week's blog about social media, then I realized that I haven't done one on YouTube yet.  So, naturally I wasted the next 20+ minutes watching videos on YouTube.  Luckily, on the front page of YouTube, it had a video from Steve Kardynal (the guy that did "Songs in Real Life") because I had watched one from him before.  I watched five or six more videos from him, most of them were just as good.  This kid is a great comedian, and is very clever.

This got me to thinking, what YouTube has done for the world.  A lot of people think that you waste a lot of time on YouTube and nothing good comes out of it.  When in actuality, you waste a lot of time on YouTube and nothing good comes out of it... That's a joke, but in all seriousness, so many people have made a living off of what they've put on YouTube.  People like Steve Kardynal, and Jeff Dunham, and countless musical artists and anyone else that I'm forgetting.  People become famous because of their creativity and comedy on YouTube.  It's a great website for so many reasons other than that.  I won't delve into all the uses, but I'm sure most of you know the extent of it.  For now, I'll leave you with a Steve Kardynal video:


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