Saturday, April 30, 2011


This week was my first experience with Twitter that I've ever had.  Of course, going in, there was a lot of skepticism on my part.  I knew what the general idea of Twitter was, but having never used it, I didn't know all about it.  After a week, I still have many of the same feelings, but I can say that my view has changed ever so slightly.

Before this week, I didn't like Twitter.  Mostly because I thought of it as a glorified Facebook status.  All you can do is write a little bit about what you're doing, and you had to fit it all within 140 characters.  The stereotype on Twitter was that people would abuse it and tweet about stupid things.  "I'm eating a sandwich," or "I'm on my way to work," or other stupid things along those lines.

After this week, and following a few people, I realized that not everyone does that (although there are some people that do that, and I may have to stop following them).  But, it's rare that people use Twitter like that.  Most people use Twitter in a manner that is socially acceptable.  I feel that I should keep my Twitter account for at least a couple weeks longer, and give Twitter a real chance.


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