Monday, March 28, 2011

Five Commandments, not Ten

We touched on it in class, as well as in the New influencers book.  The Five Commandments of Social Media, as told by Paul Gillin.  I won't go and quote everything that Gillin said, but here is the list of the five:

1. Thou shalt link
2. Thou shalt not diss
3. Thou shalt be transparent
4. Thou shalt comment
5. Thou shalt not blather

I feel as if I follow some of those commandments, but not all of them.  I realize that I probably do not provide enough links in my blogs, and for that, I have no excuse.  There are some things that I talk about, and I should be able to provide easy access to what I'm talking about.  Especially in my blogs about the NCAA tournament, I should probably provide a link to the bracket.

I feel like a lot of people's blogs are out there to just rag on others.  This is just what Gillin says not to do.  I know in my earlier blogs I believe I did a little dissing of my own, but I'm trying to make this blog more professional now.  Plus, just dissing people like that looks and sounds tacky.

I really think I have the third commandment down pretty well.  I think everyone understands my viewpoints.  I have only had to edit a blog once, and when I did, I made sure to note that what I was adding was an edit from the previous blog.  This makes me pretty transparent.

I probably could go for a few extra comments.  I feel like I'm only commenting on others blogs because I have to.  If I would go out and read some more blogs, I would probably comment a few more times and have a little more fun with the comments and blogging world.  Plus, I would probably get a few more followers of my own.

The fifth commandment, I think I have this one down too.  I try not to go on and on about nothing in my blogs.  I try to get my point across and to be done there.  So, in the good nature of this blog and this commandment, I shall end my blog here.


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