Sunday, May 15, 2011

The End

Oh man... College is over!  Well, almost over.  Here I am, writing my last mandatory blog posting for one of my last classes of schooling ever.  All that stands in the way of me and a diploma, is a final on Wednesday and a final on Thursday.  I can't even think back to what I was thinking this time last year, or this time ten years ago.  It's so weird to go back and think about what I've accomplished in life and where I've gone, and whats to come for me.  It's really exciting, yet scary at the same time.

In high school, I had no idea what I wanted to do.  All through high school, it seemed as if I changed what I wanted to do every month or so.  It's so strange that I entered college with the same major that I am graduating with right now.  That is rare that people do that it seems.  I am the only one graduating in my class that was a broadcaster from the start.  That is something that I am proud of.

Honestly, I feel like I could go on and on about my life and going through college and what it means to graduate, but I don't want to.  I don't want to end up all emotional with this blog post, and I kind of want to leave it in the middle, without an ending.  That's how I feel life is going right now, this isn't the end, it's the start of something.


Monday, May 9, 2011

Commit to Transparency

The New Influencers this week was about transparency.  I have been learning about transparency in my Intro to PR class as well as my social media class and how important it is to be transparent.  I personally think that it IS important to be transparent.

If you are transparent, then everyone knows exactly what you mean.  It's easy to know what you want to get across if you are transparent.  If you aren't, then sometimes things can come across in the wrong way and people could get the wrong idea about what you are saying.

This, I suppose, could be applied to everyday life as well.  If you are transparent, then you can be truthful and honest with everyone.  This wouldn't always be helpful, but I think the pros would outweigh the cons in this situation.

- GP

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day

I think it's funny what the social media world can do for holidays.  People can take one tiny, simple idea, and it can circulate around the blogosphere like it was a national idea.  Things along the lines of changing your profile picture or changing your name.  It is really fun and interesting to see the people that go along with these ideas, and what they end up posting.

Take for example this holiday that was celebrated today, Mother's Day.  The new thing that went through facebook was to change your profile picture to that of your mom to celebrate.  This was something that I had done already, but it was fun to see the reaction that everyone had to this.  Many, many people changed their profile picture to honor their mother and show their love for their moms.

So even on the Internet, we all know where our hearts really lie, in our moms!

Love you mom!

- GP

Saturday, May 7, 2011

The Epic-ness that was 127 E. Dobbins Ave. Last Night... Redux!

Stripper Pole Party - part 2!

My second blog post ever was about an awesome party that we threw at my house, and I think that one of my last blog posts should be about an awesome party that was thrown at my house.  This party that was at my place last night was a sequel to the party that was there a few months ago, that I made a previous post about.  I was thinking of copying and pasting the same post, but decided against it.

Same style of party, actually, it was basically the same party, only without the "Orange" theme.  So, there again was a dance floor and pole in my room.  It was a pretty interesting night.

This party was basically held as a result of the first one being great.  The strangest part about this party though, is that I was only in attendance for less than an hour.  I was actually doing the smart thing and getting work done, instead of having fun.  I was working on my resume tape, so that I could apply for jobs.  So, I was at the radio station in Freed for over six hours, and I finally got it finished.  So happy that I could finish.  That is a big relief, and it gets the monkey off my back.  It basically takes the past four years of school, and puts it into six and a half minutes.

- GP

Monday, May 2, 2011

Buyer Personas

We learned a little bit about Buyer Personas this week in class.  We learned that buyer personas are the first and key step in creating a PR plan.  You must start with it, and go from there with whatever you found out in the buyer persona.

To start a buyer persona, you must start with writing down as much as you know about the people you are researching about.  Then, from there, you start to research about your target audience.  The hardest part is thinking about where to research your target audience.  You need to find out more than you currently know.

Then you need to decide if you are going to interview others.  You also need to figure out what types of media and where to listen in or read to find out about this target audience.  Figuring out their language and what types of key words or phrases are used.

These things make it so tough to actually write up one of these buyer personas.  You really have a lot of work to do.  So, when you are preparing to do something along these lines, make sure that you have plenty of time to get what you need to get done.  It will take longer than you originally anticipated.


Sunday, May 1, 2011

@GeoffPeterfy's Twitter Assignment

I am a big superhero guy, and it's kind of my weakness.  I like superheroes and I love superhero movies.  With Thor coming out next week, I thought that following Marvel Comics would be a good company to follow.  Marvel is a company that tweets a lot.  There were many tweets that I got from them everyday.  They also utilize links a lot in their tweets.  Every single one of they tweets has a link in it, and 99% of those links go back to their official web site.  So, they are using Twitter as a stepping stone to their web page.  They also used hashtags a lot.  Whenever they talked about a specific superhero, they used the hashtag to talk about it.  #Thor was obviously mentioned a few times with the movie coming out next week.

I also am really into sports, as if you couldn't tell from my previous blogs.  The NFL draft was this week, so I figured that the official NFL Twitter page would be a good thing to follow.  It was good for during the week.  There were a lot of links to pre-draft things and mock drafts from "experts."  The NFL did a good job of utilizing everything that Twitter has to offer.  During the draft, the Twitter page was used solely to say which team picked which player.  They used a hashtag to the team, a link to their website with all the pick on it and a hashtag to #NFLDraft.  Overall, I think that the NFL has a good idea of how to use Twitter effectively.  Now if they could just figure out collective bargaining...

Steve Nash is probably my favorite athlete in America.  Well, let's face it, the world, because I don't really follow international sports.  But, Steve Nash does follow international sports.  He is a point guard for the Phoenix Suns, but he is from Canada.  This means that he loves hockey.  He also loves soccer.  So, with the Suns not being in the playoffs, Nash has a lot of time on his hands.  His tweets were a lot more personal than the NFL or Marvel's tweets, because he is actually a man, and even though he is famous, he keeps his own Twitter.  Many of his tweets were about soccer games going on in Europe, and the NHL playoffs.  Very few were about the NBA playoffs though, which isn't that surprising, but is very surprising at the same time.  He had links that went to his personal photo albums of pictures that he has taken.  Many of them just walking around New York or places he has visited.  He also responds to a lot of his fans, but too many that he is obnoxious.  Nash really has social media down, as his Facebook page is pretty well kept as well.

I was thinking about who to follow for another professional person.  Someone that I would actually enjoy reading about.  So, I thought of people who owned companies.  Which brought me to owners of sports franchises.  I didn't want to do two people in the Phoenix Suns organization, so I chose Mark Cuban, who owns the Dallas Mavericks.  Cuban is a great owner.  He seems like he is just like a normal guy.  But, he is a great entrepreneur, and he knows what he is doing.  He goes to all of his team's games too, usually sitting in the front 2-3 rows, wearing a tshirt and jeans.  The way he uses Twitter is a good mix of professional and fan, the same way he presents himself.  He uses hashtags, and replies to people.  It is fun to watch him and see how the higher ups can act.

NFL Draft Failure

This weekend was the NFL Draft.  This year was a little bit different in how the draft worked.  With all the crap that is going on in the NFL nowadays and how the collective bargaining stuff is failing, the draft had to be run different.  There were no players that were allowed to be traded, because technically the teams don't own the players right now.

This is besides my point.  My favorite NFL team is the Minnesota Vikings.  They were selecting 12th in this year's draft.  They're biggest need or concern was the lack of a QB.  There were a lot of QBs in this year's draft, and a lot of good options for the Vikings.  Going in I knew that the best ones would be taken early, but I figured that the Vikings would be able to get one in the second round that still has a lot of talent.  

The Vikings chose a different route.  They saw that ahead of them, three QBs were taken and they panicked.  This led to them choosing Christian Ponder at #12 overall.  This is a QB that could have been drafted in the late second round or in the third round.  I am appalled that they chose him so early on.  It's just so frustrating, but, there is nothing I can do about it know except complain to people.  Oh, well.  Maybe he'll turn out to be something special later on.  One can only hope.


Saturday, April 30, 2011


This week was my first experience with Twitter that I've ever had.  Of course, going in, there was a lot of skepticism on my part.  I knew what the general idea of Twitter was, but having never used it, I didn't know all about it.  After a week, I still have many of the same feelings, but I can say that my view has changed ever so slightly.

Before this week, I didn't like Twitter.  Mostly because I thought of it as a glorified Facebook status.  All you can do is write a little bit about what you're doing, and you had to fit it all within 140 characters.  The stereotype on Twitter was that people would abuse it and tweet about stupid things.  "I'm eating a sandwich," or "I'm on my way to work," or other stupid things along those lines.

After this week, and following a few people, I realized that not everyone does that (although there are some people that do that, and I may have to stop following them).  But, it's rare that people use Twitter like that.  Most people use Twitter in a manner that is socially acceptable.  I feel that I should keep my Twitter account for at least a couple weeks longer, and give Twitter a real chance.


Monday, April 25, 2011

10 Rules of Engagement

Reading along in Engage and coming up to what we talked about in class a little bit, the 10 Rules of Engagement.  I know we talked about it in class, and that kind of made this easier for me to talk about here.    I also don't want to delve too deep into it because I know we talked about it in class.  But, the 10 Rules of Engagement are:

1. Be transparent and state where you work because your honesty will be noted in the social media environment. Also, be clear about your role.
2. Never represent yourself or your future company in a misleading way.
3. Post meaningful and respectful comments. 
4. Use common sense and common courtesy and don't violate the company's privacy.
5. Stick to your area of expertise, but do feel free to provide unique and individual perspectives on non-confidential activities at your workplace. 
6. If you disagree with others' opinions, be polite and appropriate. Also, never get overly defensive and do not disengage from the conversation abruptly.
7. When writing about the competition, make sure to behave diplomatically and have the facts straight. 
8. Never comment on anything related to legal matters. 
9. Never participate in social media when the topic being discussed is considered a crisis situation. 
10. Be smart about protecting yourself, your privacy and the company's confidential information. Keep in mind that what you publish is widely accessible and will be around for a long time. 

I really have to say that I agree with these rules.  They really are a good thing to follow if you want to be successful in the social media market.  My favorite rules are 5 and 6.  I really dislike when someone starts talking about a topic that they obviously know little about.  It is a pet peeve of mine, and I always get short and angry with them.  I also don't like when people start bashing others' opinions.  If you don't agree with someone, that doesn't mean that you have to go about and yell at them with a wall of text.  You can show your disagreement in a different way with a line or two, but not an entire wall of text.

Those are just a few ways, but I will have to say that I take those two rules to heart a little more.


Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Weekend Fun!

I realized this Easter that I haven't spent an Easter at home since I was in high school.  That is kind of sad, but at the same time, I've been doing so much during Easter weekends all through college.  Every other year prior to this year, I've been at Nationals for volleyball.  So, freshman year, I was in Dallas, sophomore year I was in Kansas City, and last year I was in Louisville.  At least I was having fun and being productive every year at Nationals.

This year was a little bit different, as Easter was later in the year, and Nationals were still held the first week in April.  This year for Easter, I went to my girlfriend's place and celebrated Easter with her family.  I'm actually sitting in her living room writing this right now.  It's been really fun to get to know her and all her stories that her parents told.  I won't go into the details about that, because I know that no one really likes to read about that, and that's kind of personal stuff, but I just wanted to make mention.

I just wanted to touch on the fact that no matter where I was for Easter, I was still having fun, even though I haven't been in my own home since Christmas break.


Saturday, April 23, 2011

What to do...

Since it's getting closer and closer to the end of the school year, it's about that time to start planning out my summer and what events I want to go to.  There is always a scramble and every year I'm always trying to figure out what concerts I want to see and which events sound the most exciting.  Living in Columbus, there are always good comedians that come to town, great festivals where you can catch cool stuff, and other things along those lines.

Looking around online, and I stumbled upon the site called UpComing.  UpComing is a site that lists everything that is happening in the city for basically the entire year.  All you have to do is put in what city you are near or what city you want to know about, and it will find everything for you.  You can search music, comedy, sports, festivals, media, politics, other, and even more, or you can ask for it all.  This site will be very helpful later on when I'm trying to figure out which concerts I want to go to this summer.


Monday, April 18, 2011


I finally figured out Podbean and got my Podcast uploaded on in.  That was too much pain and hassle it seemed.

Sports in Social Media

Press Releases

We talked a lot about press releases this week in class and it was also in our readings.  There were a few things that I learned about press releases because of this.  I learned how useful they can be in making a story.  They basically contain everything that a media member needs to make a story.  They also are not just for the media members.  Anyone and everyone can access press releases, which is why they are trying to start calling them media releases instead.  In actuality, they probably are some of the better ways to get your news, as you will be getting it straight from the source.  This makes press releases a lot more important that I had previously thought they were. Without them, a lot of the news we have would be more boring.  We would never get to hear about Charlie Sheen or what Bradgelina is doing next.  Well, at least what we heard would be shaped a little differently.



Sunday, April 17, 2011

NBA Playoffs... Where Amazing Happens

I'm going to continue my trend of writing about sports in my personal blogs.  This one, if you're too lazy to read the title, is about the NBA playoffs.  I know a lot of people that don't really like the NBA.  I also know some people that don't like the NBA playoffs either.  Their reasoning is that they are all professional athletes and they don't care as much as the college kids.  But, I beg to differ.  Once the NBA playoffs start, there is a whole new level of play for most of the men on the court.

I love the fact that every series is a 7-games series.  I think that, yes it lasts a long time, but that just makes it better.  It never diminishes, it's always good play all series long, and every player is giving their all to win the championship.  By the time it gets to the Championship Series, both teams are so tired and so beat, but they are giving everything left in their tank for the trophy (and a big ring and big bonus paycheck).

Even though my team, the Phoenix Suns, are out of the playoffs for the first time in seven years, and had a losing record (40-42) for the first time this decade, I can still watch the playoffs because there are so many story lines that I want to follow.  Can the Bulls live up to their 1-seed?  Can the Spurs live up to theirs?  What about the Miami Heat?  Are the Lakers going to three-peat?  Is Boston getting too old?  Are the Thunder the new flavor?  I can't wait to watch basketball for the next month and a half and get the answers to these questions.  It's going to be... amazing.


Saturday, April 16, 2011

Steve Kardynal is pretty much awesome

I have spent some time today looking for something to talk about in this week's blog about social media, then I realized that I haven't done one on YouTube yet.  So, naturally I wasted the next 20+ minutes watching videos on YouTube.  Luckily, on the front page of YouTube, it had a video from Steve Kardynal (the guy that did "Songs in Real Life") because I had watched one from him before.  I watched five or six more videos from him, most of them were just as good.  This kid is a great comedian, and is very clever.

This got me to thinking, what YouTube has done for the world.  A lot of people think that you waste a lot of time on YouTube and nothing good comes out of it.  When in actuality, you waste a lot of time on YouTube and nothing good comes out of it... That's a joke, but in all seriousness, so many people have made a living off of what they've put on YouTube.  People like Steve Kardynal, and Jeff Dunham, and countless musical artists and anyone else that I'm forgetting.  People become famous because of their creativity and comedy on YouTube.  It's a great website for so many reasons other than that.  I won't delve into all the uses, but I'm sure most of you know the extent of it.  For now, I'll leave you with a Steve Kardynal video:


Monday, April 11, 2011

Podcasting Can Be Painful

Last week, we talked a little about Podcasting on Monday.  We were told to go out and listen to a couple of podcasts and get an idea as to what they really are used for.  Well, I had listened to a couple of podcasts before last week, and I wasn't sold on the idea.

First off, podcasting can be really hit or miss.  Because of the availability of the technology, anyone can do a podcast.  Because anyone can do a podcast, they can be about anything, or nothing.  There were a couple of them that I tried to listen to, but they just turned out to be very boring and not really about anything in particular.

But, I must admit, there were a couple that I listened to that were interesting.  Gillin talks about podcasters in his book, "The New Influencers."  He makes mention that podcasting is the largest use of social media.  At first, I found this hard to believe, but then I realized that it is probably true.  Why would he put it in the book if it weren't true?  So many people can do a podcast, and if you catch the right one, they can be very useful.

So, I guess my feeling on podcasting are still up in the air.  We'll see how I feel after I have to make one of my own next week.


Sunday, April 10, 2011

6 Painful Social Media Screwups

This is basically a link to a CNN story about 6 of the biggest screw ups in the professional social media world.

1. Chrysler drops the F-Bomb
2. Nestle and their oil
3. Red Cross gets "slizzered"
4. Honda "fan" is actually an employee
5. Kenneth Cole's tasteless joke about Egypt
6. Motrin Moms

Personally, I don't quite understand how people can make these mistakes.  Especially the mistakes that were written by separate social media outlets, not by the company themselves.  You have one job to do, and it's a big job, maybe you should try to do it right and keep that huge company in good light.

My favorite mistake would have to be the Red Cross mistake.  It obviously was just someone who happened to still be logged into the Red Cross twitter, and not his own when he tweeted that.  Luckily, Red Cross, or that guy, realized his mistake quickly, and got it fixed.  They also made something good of it.


Saturday, April 9, 2011

It's Over...

I don’t know how to take this right now.  I just finished up my last season of volleyball, ever.  We had a great season this year, even being ranked 5th for most of the season, but the ending just wasn’t what we had expected.  The national tournament was held in Houston, TX this year, and we came in as the 8th overall seed.  The first day went as planned, and went very well for all of us, as we won al three of our matches in pool play.  It was the second day where we got really screwed.  We lost to a Duke team that we shouldn’t have lost to, and we beat a MSU-Mankato team pretty handily.  It was a three-team power-pool and the top two teams go on to the Gold bracket, while the 3rd place team goes to silver.  All three teams had an identical 1-1 record, so it goes to sets won, and all matches were won in two sets, so it went to point differential.  Duke ended up getting first place, and going into the gold bracket.  But, you cannot get kicked out of gold by point differential, so there was a one set playoff with MSU-Mankato that we had to play.  A team that we beat 25-16, 25-17 just about 20 minutes before, we now had to play another set to get into gold.  We end up losing 24-26 and have to go to silver. 

We go on to have no trouble, wining the silver bracket.  We finished the tournament with a record of 8-1 (maybe 8-1 ½), and that means we got 17th place.  Tell me how that works.  At least I got to end my volleyball career with a win, even though it wasn’t the win I was hoping for, it was a win nonetheless.  There is just a mixed bag of emotions going through my head right now.  I really wish it wasn’t going to be over.


Monday, April 4, 2011


Groundswell is a pretty interesting book.  I can say this because we were assigned to read like 4000 pages this week, or at least that's what it felt like.  What really sticks out to me, is a part that we briefly covered in class, POST.

P - People
O - Objectives
S - Strategy
T - Technology

People - You must asses your customer's social activity.  You won't have a very successful blog if your target audience check in every day, and you only update your blog once a month.  You must match up with your audience.

Objectives - Decide what you want to accomplish.  Obviously you are writing a blog for a reason.  Figure out what that reason is, and stick to it.  When you jump around and talk about different avenues you go down, you can lose interest.  Stick to the same style, and grow from there.

Strategy - Plan for how relationships with customers will change.  If you keep a blog for a long, long time, your audience might change a little.  Whether they grow older and wiser, or they just learn more about what you're talking about.  Keep it geared toward them.

Technology - Decide which social technologies to use.  Do you want to use just a blog, or do you want to branch out and "advertise" your blog with your facebook page or with your Twitter account?  Decide what is best for you and your blog and move on from there.

I'm going to take these notes and dwell on them for a little bit.  We'll see how well I implement them later in the quarter.


Sunday, April 3, 2011

There's an app for that!

Recently I've been addicted to a couple apps on my iPod.  It mainly is just one app, and that app is "Words With Friends."  It is basically an off-brand version of Scrabble.  I love it, even though I'm not very good at it.  My vocabulary is slightly limited, let alone when I'm given a set of letters and I'm forced to make words off them.  But, I try to make do with what I've got.

This game is a two-person game, and you get to play against your friends that have the game as well.  Which brings me to my point.  It's absolutely amazing how far the social media scene has grown in the past few years.  Just five or six years ago, things like this were never thought of.  When you said "app," everyone thought about grad apps or job apps.

There are so many things that you can do with your iPod or iPhone or Droid or whatever "smart" device you have.  The app stores are outrageous and there really is an app for everything it seams like.  There is even a way to update all your other social media outlets from your mobile device.  That's really interesting, and, like I've said in all the previous blogs about social media, I'm pretty excited to think about what we have next and the way that technology is growing.


Saturday, April 2, 2011

First Four to Final Four / Finals Repeat

If you've been reading all my posts, you'd have to notice by now that I love sports.  I could talk about sports all day, and I could talk about sports in all my blog posts.  But, that's not the rules to the class, so I'm limited to just one a week.

This week, I'm going to talk about the NCAA Semi-Final basketball game I just watched.  The first one of the two.  The one between two teams that no one believed would be there, VCU and Butler.

Starting with VCU, a team that all the "experts" thought shouldn't even be in the tournament field, but they proved everyone wrong.  I mentioned in an earlier blog post that I didn't think that they deserved in, but, I was definitely rooting for them in this one.  As an 11 seed, they went from the "First Four" in, to the Final Four.  How could someone not root for them?  Their story is so great, and their coach's name is "Shaka Smart."  That is just plain cool.

Moving on to Butler, who is moving into the National Title game for the second straight year.  Last year, they made their way there as a 5-seed.  This year, they are an 8-seed.  No one really had them pegged to get farther than the second round, where they were supposed to lose to the 1-seed, Pitt.  But, they were obviously able to get the big win there, and keep moving on.  They made their way to the Final Four, without their best player from last year, Gordon Haywood, who went pro.  Now, somehow, they defeated ODU, Pitt, Wisconsin, Florida, and VCU to get into the title game again.

Come Monday, you know that I will be rooting for Butler, regardless of who they are playing.  UConn and Kentucky have plenty of national titles to their name already, it's time for the little guy to get one.


Monday, March 28, 2011

Five Commandments, not Ten

We touched on it in class, as well as in the New influencers book.  The Five Commandments of Social Media, as told by Paul Gillin.  I won't go and quote everything that Gillin said, but here is the list of the five:

1. Thou shalt link
2. Thou shalt not diss
3. Thou shalt be transparent
4. Thou shalt comment
5. Thou shalt not blather

I feel as if I follow some of those commandments, but not all of them.  I realize that I probably do not provide enough links in my blogs, and for that, I have no excuse.  There are some things that I talk about, and I should be able to provide easy access to what I'm talking about.  Especially in my blogs about the NCAA tournament, I should probably provide a link to the bracket.

I feel like a lot of people's blogs are out there to just rag on others.  This is just what Gillin says not to do.  I know in my earlier blogs I believe I did a little dissing of my own, but I'm trying to make this blog more professional now.  Plus, just dissing people like that looks and sounds tacky.

I really think I have the third commandment down pretty well.  I think everyone understands my viewpoints.  I have only had to edit a blog once, and when I did, I made sure to note that what I was adding was an edit from the previous blog.  This makes me pretty transparent.

I probably could go for a few extra comments.  I feel like I'm only commenting on others blogs because I have to.  If I would go out and read some more blogs, I would probably comment a few more times and have a little more fun with the comments and blogging world.  Plus, I would probably get a few more followers of my own.

The fifth commandment, I think I have this one down too.  I try not to go on and on about nothing in my blogs.  I try to get my point across and to be done there.  So, in the good nature of this blog and this commandment, I shall end my blog here.


Sunday, March 27, 2011

March Madness!

The last time I talked about March Madness, it was after Selection Sunday, and I was complaining about some of the teams that got into the tournament.  I was actually, very upset about it all, and about many of the teams that had received bids.  Mainly VCU and UAB.

Now, I have no right to ever talk about VCU not deserving to be in the tournament.  They didn't just win the First Four round.  They didn't just win the first round.  They didn't just win in the second round.  They didn't just win in the Sweet Sixteen.  They didn't just win in the Elite Eight.  They dominated a team that was seeded higher than them in every round.  That is something that is absolutely amazing.  No one thought that they deserved to be in the tournament, let alone thought that they would get into the Final Four.  Along the way, they defeated (11) USC, (6) Georgetown, (3) Purdue, (10) Florida State, and (1) Kansas.  They won all those games by an average of twelve points, with only one of the wins (Florida State) by single digits (72-71).  Seeing as my bracket has been trashed for a while now, I am now officially a Virginia Commonwealth fan for the rest of this tournament.

This is only the third time that a double digit seeded team has made the Final Four, and both the other times it has been an 11 seed.  George Mason in 2006 and LSU way back in 1986.  Also, a fun fact, of the ten times that Kansas has been a #1 seed in the NCAA Tournament, they have been defeated by an 8 or lower seed, four times.

The team that VCU is going to be playing in their Final Four game?  Oh, that's just 8th seeded Butler, who got to the NCAA finals last season.  Going into the tournament, every "expert" was saying that this was the weakest tournament in recent history, well, I don't know if this helps or hurts the expert's case, but it sure does make it an awesome story and really fun to watch.


Thursday, March 24, 2011

New Fun Website

I recently found this website online with a ton of different videos.  292 to be exact.  All these videos are about things we should know.  In fact, the website is called,  I found it from a video that my mom posted on facebook about grammar in  America, and how it's gone down hill.  This is the video that momma Peterfy posted:

This video prompted me to search the site a little bit further.  I found on on facebook that I thought was interesting.

He makes some valid points in here.  Basically, nothing was really learned from the study.  Most guys do like to brag, and most women want to look good in their pictures.  So, in reality, facebook hasn't changed America that much?  I really find that hard to believe.  But, I do think that found a new website that I love.


Sunday, March 20, 2011

Ohhh... Reading....

Mmk.  I'm not going to lie, I do not like reading books.  But, these books seem a little interesting to me.  But, at the same time, the men's volleyball team that I'm on with Joe, just lost in terrible fashion to a team that we crush 9 times out of 10.  So, needless to say, I'm not really wanting to do this blog.  It may be a little shorter and with less information, and maybe a little less "real" than my normal posts.

I'm going to have to agree with what JP said about The New Influencers.  I don't think blogs are necessarily to be written in professional quality.  At least not the types of blogs that we have been writing.  I think blogging is just for you and your friends to keep up with whats going on with the people you are close with.  I treat these blogs as a general conversation, and I don't like to hide anything and I try to keep it as real as possible.  And I know that reading blogs about the books that we are reading isn't exactly what everyone likes to do, so I keep it real.  (That was pretty redundant)
Well, I suppose these blogs are supposed to be a little more professional quality than I have been treating them.  I guess it's time to start treating them that way.  I do think that there are some kinds of blogs that are professional blogs.  The blogs that people can go read to get a good sense of news or other fun stories.  I know there are professional blogs run by Yahoo! that have fun stories in the sports world each day.  I enjoy reading those blogs.

Anyway, like I said, I'm not in a good mood per say, and I don't want to continue this blog.  This was a really bad one, and I will have better blogs this week.  I don't want to promise, because we have another big tourney next weekend, but I'll try.


Saturday, March 19, 2011

Oooowwwwww.... Ouch Ouch Ouch

Those of you who are closer to me, and there are a few of you in class, you realize the pain I've been in the past few days.  I don't like to search for sympathy from people, but I'm hurting.

Wednesday, my back died.  I was at conditioning for practice, and running straight, when my back gave out.  Naturally, having been in sports my whole life, I thought it was just a tweak and that it would be fine in an hour or so.  Boy, was I wrong.

Later that evening, I decided to take my first trip to the Health Center.  The doctor, of course, has no idea what's wrong with me.  So, she sends me to Lima Memorial to get x-rays, (just to rule out the worst).  And those come up negative.  I went to practice Thursday night, and just watch.
On Friday, I was due for a follow up with the Health Center.  I went in at 12:30 and the guy I'm supposed to see, isn't in until 1:00, so, I leave.  Meanwhile, my mother of course is freaking out.  She calls me and decides to make a doctor's appointment for 2:30 back home.  Home is 90 minutes away!  So, I left right away.
Once I get home, I immediately see the doctor.  He thinks it's something along the lines of the tendons in my lumbar shifting or something along those lines of mumbo jumbo that I don't really understand.  So, he tells me not to play.  But, because he knows I'm an athlete, and he knows I will play anyway, he prescribes me some steroids.

So, this afternoon we had a volleyball tournament.  Luckily for me, the steroids seemed to work pretty well.  We ended up winning both the matches, and win the conference regular season.  I played, not 100%, but it was enough to help the team to the wins.  Got a big day tomorrow, hopefully the steroids last through the day.  We'll see...


Friday, March 18, 2011


Whatever happened to MySpace?  Remember when it was the cool thing to be a part of?  Now, whenever I hear someone talk about it or some company or older person mention it, I immediately judge them.  Does that make me a bad person?

But, for real.  Whatever happened to MySpace?  I recently tried to log into my MySpace, because it's still there.  But, I've since had like five different email addresses, so naturally I didn't remember my email address, not even getting to the password.  So, I searched google to look at it.  I still have like 300 friends or something like that.  That means that everyone else still has their old MySpace's too.

I just want to implore everyone to look up their old MySpace and see what we've been missing the past 4-5 years.  You know you want to.

Then I thought about how the Social Media scene has grown, and I realized that is just how it is these days.  But, then again, it's kind of amazing that facebook has lasted as long as it has without being phased out by something else.  It makes me excited to think about what comes next!


Monday, March 14, 2011

March Madness

It's finally begun.  Actually, it started last week with all the conference tournaments, but everyone who doesn't follow sports as much thinks it's just the tournament.  The conference tournaments mark the official beginning, at least for me they do.  In the conference tournaments, so many crazy things can happen, and did happen this season.
UConn had to play a game on the first day of the Big East tournament, and they rode that into a Big East Tournament Championship, playing five games in five days.  That's pretty impressive for a division one varsity athlete to play five basketball games at that level in five days.
In the Big Ten Tournament, Michigan State beat Purdue in that matchup.  And even more surprising, Penn State beat Wisconsin..... 36-33.... as a final!  That was the lowest scoring game in Big Ten Tournament history.  And the second lowest scoring game in any conference tournament history.  (George Mason won a game 35-33 in 2003).
There were Buzzer Beaters and blowouts.  There were upsets and there were predicted outcomes.  But, the best is yet to come.  With the NCAA Tournament expanding to 68 teams this year, many people believed that this would allow more teams in that were worthy.  After watching all the Selection Sunday specials, it seems that the Tournament Committee made a couple mistakes.  The two teams that got in that everyone is talking about are VCU and UAB (Virginia Commonwealth and Alabama-Birmingham respectively).  The teams that are unanimously wanted in instead are Colorado and Virginia Tech.  I can see why the Tournament Committee chose these tow teams, and I can also see why others want CU and Va Tech.  Colorado and Virginia Tech play in two of the "Power Conferences" and they have "better" strength of  schedule.  But, VCU and UAB were two teams that are worthy to get in.  The Tournament Committee hopefully added them to add a little more parody in the tournament and put a couple more mid-major teams in.  Whatever, I give up trying to figure out the Committee.  I'm done with this and I'm going to go fill out a bracket.

I want to throw it out there that I was just made aware that these blogs have to actually be about something.  So, I'm going to toss in these topics at the end of this blog.  I feel like my first post was a little about Social Media, so I hope that counts enough.  My last blog was about my life a little bit at Ohio Northern (as were a couple of my comments to others).  So, I guess I have to talk about the books for class.  Engaged wasn't terrible.  It talked a bit about communication.  I think what the book had to say was correct, in that people want to get to know you, an that's why social media for businesses is important.  New Influence had the AOL story, that was just amazing.  I hadn't heard of this guy or that story, surprisingly.  But, after reading it, I was a little appalled as to what I was hearing.  I can't believe that anyone would act like that.  Asking for his father, when the guy was 30 years old?  haha what a d-bag.  Hopefully the books are going to be like this most of the time, as that will make them a little easier to read.


Sunday, March 13, 2011

The Epic-ness that was 127 E. Dobbins Ave. Last Night

Mmk.  This is one that I hope everyone gets a crack at reading.  This was one heckuva party last night here at my place.  The theme to the party, was Orange.  Just, Orange.  Plain and simple.  Some people when they have a raucous party, they have some obscure theme that requires a lot of effort and time to enjoy.  The theme here was orange.  Seeing as we go to a school whose official colors are orange and black, this was pretty simple for people to follow.
Second, this party was awesome because a bunch of engineers set it up in my house.  Never thought I'd say something like that, but the engineers really knew what they were doing.  A freaking dance floor and stripper dance pole were installed into my bedroom!  I mean, I can't be too mad about that, can I?
And C, there was a perfect amount of people at this party.  You know how sometimes a party can get out of control and a bunch of people that you don't know or like end up showing up to your place.  You don't want to kick them out because you're a nice guy, but you just want them to leave.  None of that here.  All good people and there wasn't that group of 32 freshmen that rolled up together... like they always seem to do.
I wanted to throw in there as well, that there were quite a few of my classmates at this party as well.  I'm not going to name names, but, you know who you are, and I wasn't mad that any of you were there.  And I'm pretty sure I talked to all of you about writing this blog haha

That's it, I'm sure I'll have one more blog tomorrow about the NCAA Tournament Brackets and such.  Pretty exciting times in sports.


Monday, March 7, 2011

First real blog post!

OK Blogger... Let's do this thing.  I'll admit, I've never been one that's into this whole "Social Media" thing.  I've just never really understood the whole need for a blog and keeping a blog and keeping up to date on other people's blogs.  I really think that it's an unnecessary thing that people choose to do.  What if no one really does like blogs or Twitter or anything of the sort, but they think that everyone else likes it, so they feel like they have to like it or do one to keep up to date with everything... ok now I'm sounding a little like a loony.  But seriously, this is something that I told myself I'd never do.  Now, the only reason I'm doing it is for class credit.

That being said.  I feel like I'm going to fit right in with this whole blog thing.  Yeah, now I'm sounding like a hypocrite, but I think this is the best kind of writing that I do.  A load of BS that I can just continually pump out and think that people are actually reading.  I wish you all could read some of the papers that I turn in for classes, they are written in the same way.  And, to be honest, they usually do work for me.  Usually no worse than a B, and I'm totally ok with that.  A 10-page paper full of BS, when I didn't read the book at all, and I get a B on it?  Thank you!  I'll take it and run.  (Especially when I get a compliment and told that he "hopes to see me writing for SI or ESPN the Mag someday")

Well, just like in my papers, this blog will come to an abrupt ending.  I think I've written enough about nothing, and I think that this is sufficient for my first ever blog post.  Thanks for reading, now it's time to pretend to care about other people's lives and post on their blogs.

- GP